Praful Deshmukh

Prafulved Infra Pvt. Ltd.

Orange City Mall


Transforming Nagpur

Praful ved infra pvt. Ltd. Has always created benchmarks known for its quality as well as magnificence. This time it is bringing to you the most magnificent mall in Nagpur. A mall with a presence that will tower above everything else. Presenting…

The Perfect Destination

Situated right at upcoming London Street, Orange City Mall sets an impeccable example of the benefits offered by being at an extraordinary location. Becoming an iconic business hub is inevitable when you are at the right place

Windows of Prosperity

Becoming part of an extraordinary business destination not only opens up a lot of doors of opportunities but also lets you become a business that is class above

The Inimitable Grandeur

Grandiose is one of the most distinguished feature of this affluent creation. The high cieling, the pleasant ambience as well as the subtle yet jazzy sense of aesthetics reflect the elevated sense of richness. The genuine simplicity behind the beauty creates a sense of warm welcome in the heart of everyone.

Opportunities For Every Business

The versatile nature of commercial spaces at Orange City Mall offer a plethora of possibilities to the fostering entrepreneurs as well as established businesses From confectionary to eatery, from stationary to cutlery, everything has a demand here

Paradise Filled With Food Lovers

Being a place that offers variety of options for every need of every customer, Orange City Mall is sure to become a hangout place, thriving with youngsters as well as families, a perfect place to offer fine options for eat-outs.

Heaven For The Ultimate Indulgence

Being a place filled with stores, ladies are bound fall in love with this place This creates a profusion of business choices that can be offered The best possible bets are those that indulge and pamper the senses to reflect their inner beauty.

Truly Posh

The office spaces of Orange City Mall give the word ‘sophistication’, a whole new meaning. The splendid architecture and the sublime beauty of these offices deliver an unquestionable perception of opulence along with creating an environment that nurtures growth and results in thriving prosperity.

Interested customers

Sr No Name Of Customer Area Required in Sq ft
1 MR.UMESH YADAV 5000 Sq ft
2 DASS JEWELLERS 10000 Sq ft
3 CAPELLO SALON 7000 Sq ft
5 R & Y LOGISTICS 6000 Sq ft
7   MR.GAURAV SARDA 16000 Sq ft